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A Word From The Founder
Eric Wortham

As the founder and CEO of Pizza World, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome and thank you for your interest in our brand and what we stand for. From our humble beginnings, we've embarked on a journey fueled by passion, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence in the pizza industry.


When we started Pizza World, we envisioned more than just a pizza place. We dreamed of creating a community where families, friends, and food lovers could enjoy a meal and an experience with our flavors from around the world concept. We've worked tirelessly to blend traditional techniques with modern flavors, ensuring each pizza we serve is a testament to our commitment to quality.


Our franchisees are the backbone of Pizza World's success. They share our passion and have become ambassadors of our brand, delivering the Pizza World experience to their communities one pizza at a time. Their dedication, feedback, and success stories inspire our continuous improvement and expansion.


As we look to the future, we remain committed to our core values: quality, community, and innovation. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and look forward to sharing our love of pizza with the world for many years to come.


Eric Wortham, Founder/CEO



Pizza World USA Franchise Contact Form

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